ESR Tommaso Crepax at Panel on Data Portability organised by the SoBigData++ project.

On November 28th, ESR Tommaso Crepax was invited to participate as speaker to an Awareness Panel on Data Portability organised by the SoBigData++ project.

The speakers Dr. Denise Amram (SSSA), Kyle Mc Kibbin (University of Ghent) and our Tommaso Crepax (SSSA) discussed issues of portability as embedded in relevant pieces of regulations. Opening with an explanation on article 20 GDPR from Dr. Amram, Mc Kibbin discussed the interplay between portability in GDPR in respect to the Data Governance Act and Data Act. Closing the debate, Tommaso highlighted that, contrary to what most data scientist would believe –that is, data protection and governance laws are obstacles to research—there are plenty of cases where laws such as the Open Data Directive or the Free flow of Non-Personal Regulation actually open up or give access to useful datasets – according to some specific conditions. Re- searchers, it seems, have more opportunities to access data than they think they have!


The recording of the event can be found here.