Entries by barbara.darosa

ESRs Research Pitches are available on Youtube!

Our Early Stage Researchers present their research topics on LeADS Channel on Youtube! Each Researcher has prepared an individual 1-minute Research pitch in which they present their research topics, their main research questions, why their topics are important, and how they aim to research them. It is also possible to read a summary of their topic […]

ESR Barbara Lazarotto participation at 1st Democracy & Digital Citizenship Conference Series

Early Stage Researcher Barbara Lazarotto (ESR 7) presented her research at the 1st Democracy & Digital Citizenship Conference Series, hosted by Roskilde Universiteit on September 29-30 2022 in Roskilde, Denmark.   As a part of the panel named “Data bodies/digital panopticon” Barbara presented her topic of “The myth of “dataism” and the construction of citizen-centered […]

Finding a Way Out the Ethico-Legal Maze of Social Media Data Scraping

For the latest issue of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) news journal, Arianna Rossi from LeADS beneficiary University of Luxembourg wrote an article titled “Finding a Way out of the Ethico- Legal Maze of Social Media Data Scraping”. In her contribution, Arianna writes about the experience of the interdisciplinary project “DECEPTION” […]

RGDP: Une maturité sans cesse challengée Conference

The LeADS supervisor Prof. Jessica Eynard is co-organizing a Conference titled “RGDP: Une maturité sans cesse challengée” at the Université UT1 Capitole – Amphithéâtre Maury, Toulouse on Friday, October 21 2022. Program: 13:30 – Introduction by Prof. Jessica Eynard 13:45 – Introduction by Prof. Reinout Van Tuyll 14:00 – Quelle Effectivité des droits de la personne concernée? – Prof. […]

Workshop “Designing Human Rights Attentive AI – An Interdisciplinary Perspective”

    The LeADS project will co-organize a workshop, titled “Designing Human Rights Attentive AI – An Interdisciplinary Perspective” in a hybrid format at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków on Wednesday 21 September 2022. Program: 13:30 – Welcome Lunch 14:30 – Welcome Speech JU and introductory remarks by Prof. Giovanni Comandé, Scuola Superior Sant’Anna. 15:00 – Session […]

Freedom not Fear 2022 Conference

From the 2nd– 5 September 2022 “Freedom not Fear” Conference took place in Brussels, Belgium, organized and funded by European activists with the aim of discussing the newest trends in digital rights in Europe. ESR Barbara Lazarotto attended the Conference as a participant, taking part in the discussions and networking with MEPs and other participants. […]

Call for Papers – Digital Ethics: Insights into How Technology Shapes Us And the World We Live In

Humanities & Social Sciences Communications is a fully open-access, online journal publishing peer-reviewed research from across—and between—all areas of the humanities, behavioural and social sciences. The journal is strongly committed to upholding the highest editorial and ethical standards and providing our authors and readers with a responsive and efficient service. Dr. Marietjie Botes, one of LeADS collaborators, […]

7th Summer Academy for Global Privacy Law 2022

From the 27th to the 1st of July 2022 the “7th Summer Academy for Global Privacy Law 2022: Engineering data regulation(s) in an age of reform” took place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels – VUB, one of the LeADS beneficiaries. In a hybrid format, the Summer Academy focused on the EU data governance reform, emphasizing […]

Data Protection Law Scholars Network study about The Right to Lodge a Complaint

The first study of the European Data Protection Scholars Network (DPSN) commissioned by Access Now is now published. This study aims to map current DPA practices related to the right to lodge a complaint (Article 77 of the GDPR) across different EU countries, combining legal analysis and the observation of DPA websites, together with insights from the online […]