Entries by barbara.darosa

ESRs Fatma Dogan and Barbara Lazarotto at BILETA 2023

  On April 13th 2023, ESRs Fatma Dogan and Barbara Lazarotto participated in the 38th Annual BILETA – British and Irish Law Education and Technology Association Conference. The Conference came back to The Netherlands after 22 years and had as a topic Cyberlaw: Finally getting its Act(s) together? held in Amsterdam Law and Technology Institute and online. (for more […]

Prof. Paul De Hert and ESR Barbara Lazarotto at the Norface Governance Online Lecture Series

On 01 March 2023, Prof. Paul de Hert and ESR Barbara Lazarotto participated in the third NORFACE GOVERNANCE Online Lecture Series at the University of Luxembourg. They were joined by Prof. Jean-Bernard Auby, Emeritus Professor of Public Law, Sciences Po Paris – Former Director of “Mutations de l’Action Publique et du Droit Public” («Changes in Governance […]

LeADS and LiderLab co-organize Workshop on ethical and legal issues in technology

The LeADS project will co-organize a workshop with the LiderLab titled “Dealing with ethical legal issues in technology development: the current approaches adopted in ongoing projects” in a hybrid format at the Aula Magna Storica – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa Italy on March 3rd 2023 12.00 – 13.30. Program: 12.00 – 12.10 – Greetings and introduction to the workshop, D. […]

Data sharing as a tool to enhance transparency in short-term accommodation rentals apps: EUCOM proposes a new Regulation

Short-term rental applications, such as Airbnb, have revolutionized the real estate market and tourism sector. By acting as an intermediary, the application offers peer-to-peer accommodation for a short period, growing exponentially. However, tout n’est pas rose dans la vie. Airbnb business model became a source of concern both for the traditional tourism accommodation sector and […]

IRIT and LeADS Conference on Data Sciences and EU Regulations

The LeADS project will co-organize a Conference, titled “Conference on Data Sciences and EU Regulations” in a hybrid format at the IRIT, Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France on Tuesday 6 December 2022. Program: 9:00 – 9:15 – Introduction by Jean-marc Pierson (IRIT) 9:15 – 10:30 – Session 1 Keynote talk on “Technological barriers & opportunities […]

ESRs Research Pitches are available on Youtube!

Our Early Stage Researchers present their research topics on LeADS Channel on Youtube! Each Researcher has prepared an individual 1-minute Research pitch in which they present their research topics, their main research questions, why their topics are important, and how they aim to research them. It is also possible to read a summary of their topic […]

ESR Barbara Lazarotto participation at 1st Democracy & Digital Citizenship Conference Series

Early Stage Researcher Barbara Lazarotto (ESR 7) presented her research at the 1st Democracy & Digital Citizenship Conference Series, hosted by Roskilde Universiteit on September 29-30 2022 in Roskilde, Denmark.   As a part of the panel named “Data bodies/digital panopticon” Barbara presented her topic of “The myth of “dataism” and the construction of citizen-centered […]

Finding a Way Out the Ethico-Legal Maze of Social Media Data Scraping

For the latest issue of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) news journal, Arianna Rossi from LeADS beneficiary University of Luxembourg wrote an article titled “Finding a Way out of the Ethico- Legal Maze of Social Media Data Scraping”. In her contribution, Arianna writes about the experience of the interdisciplinary project “DECEPTION” […]