Entries by onntje.hinrichs

14th Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security

  LeADS beneficiary University of Luxembourg organizes the 14th Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security, which will be held as a hybrid event at the University of Vienna in Austria on 12th July 2024. The Workshop intends to stimulate an exchange of ideas on how to design systems that are secure in the world where […]

TILLs Workshop in Brussels

2024, the final year of the LeADS project, kickstarted with an intensive three-day meeting packed with a wide variety of LeADS activities. Organized by the LeADS consortium, the activities took place in Brussels on the campus by LeADS beneficiary VUB. During this packed three days, three distinct events took place, amongst them the Technology Innovation […]

Conference on Data Ethics and Governance: Unravelling the Complexities of Privacy, Fairness, and Access in the Digital Age

2024, the final year of the LeADS project, kickstarted with an intensive three-day meeting packed with a wide variety of LeADS activities. Organized by the LeADS consortium, the activities took place in Brussels on the campus by LeADS beneficiary VUB. During this packed three days, three distinct events took place, amongst them the Conference on Data […]

Learning Through Playing: LeADS Discussion Games

2024, the final year of the LeADS project, kickstarted with an intensive three-day meeting packed with a wide variety of LeADS activities. Organized by the LeADS consortium, the activities took place in Brussels on the campus by LeADS beneficiary VUB.  The first day of the LeADS meeting kicked off with a playtesting session on discussion […]

LeADS Project Concludes Successful 3-Day Event at VUB Campus

Brussels, January 2024 – The LeADS Project (Legality Attentive Data Scientists) hosted a highly productive three-day meeting at the LeADS beneficiary Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), focusing on the intersection of law, data science, and technology. The event featured a diverse range of activities, from interactive playtesting sessions to intensive panel discussions and workshops. The event […]

LeADS in 2023: Looking Back

In 2022, our 15 ESRs completed the second year of LeADS. They had an intensive training schedule and attended a cross-disciplinary training program on four occasions. They explored their research topics in the four LeADS Crossroads, resulting in an interdisciplinary report on unsolved challenges in the data economy. This report provided the groundwork for their […]

ESR Onntje Hinrichs and Barbara Lazarotto at Beyond Data Protection Conference

On 21-22nd September 2023, the “Beyond Data Protection Conference: Regulating Information and Protection against Risks of the Digital Society” took place in Utrecht, The Netherlands. For 2 days, scholars from all over the world explored the challenges of data-centred legal protection against information-induced harms and considered alternatives beyond data protection. Keynotes were given by the […]

LeADS Working Paper Series Part VI: Data Collaboratives with the Use of Decentralised Learning – an Interdisciplinary Perspective on Data Governance

Data Collaboratives with the Use of Decentralised Learning – an Interdisciplinary Perspective on Data Governance Maciej Zuziak (ESR 6), Onntje Hinrichs (ESR 13), and Aizhan Abdrasulova (ESR 12) are the authors of the paper “Data Collaboratives with the Use of Decentralised Learning – an Interdisciplinary Perspective on Data Governance”. The paper constitutes a collaboration across […]

Cutting-Edge Research Papers at the Intersection of Law and Technology

Pisa, Italy, July 2023. The culmination of months of dedicated interdisciplinary research conducted by the group of our 15 Early-Stage-Researchers (ESRs) has resulted in the publication of six cutting-edge working papers. For more than a year have our ESRs been working together in the Legality Attentive Data Scientist project (LeADS) that brings together aspiring researchers […]