LeADS Organises Innovation Challenge and Final Conference on Legally compliant data-driven society

Pisa, October 2024—The LeADS Project (Legality Attentive Data Scientists) hosted its final three-day meeting at the LeADS beneficiary Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. The event featured a diverse range of activities, from an innovation challenge on the AI Act to intensive panel discussions.

The event opened with an innovation challenge on the AI Act. External participants of the challenge needed to create a solution that helps developers or deployers of AI systems navigate the AI Act’s risk classification system and understand which requirements apply to them.

The third day focused on the final LeADS Conference, named “Legally compliant data-driven society,” which explored how a multidisciplinary approach to governance can reap the benefits of new technologies while guaranteeing fundamental rights and freedoms. The conference had outstanding speakers across three panels, each addressing critical facets of a data-driven society.

The first panel included an introduction by Giovanni Comandé from Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, followed by a keynote from Giovanni Pitruzzella, Judge at the Italian Constitutional Court, who discussed regulatory challenges and opportunities in data markets. Giuseppe Turchetti of Sant’Anna School then explored innovation ecosystems fueled by data, while Antonio Buttà from the Italian Competition Authority reflected on the evolving competition landscape shaped by data flows. The panel concluded with a lively discussion on fostering innovation while preserving market fairness.

The second panel focused on the topic of “Research and Secondary Use of Data.” Comandé introduced the session, followed by Paul de Hert from Vrije Universiteit Brussel, who addressed the ethical and legal frameworks supporting secondary data use in research. Regina Becker of Luxembourg National Data Service presented a European perspective on data stewardship, and Piotr Drobek from Poland’s Personal Data Protection Office (UODO) emphasized the challenges of privacy in secondary data applications.

Finally, the third panel explored the topic of “Data Society and Technological Sovereignty,” and featured an introduction by Michelle Sibilla from Université Toulouse III. Jorge Maestre Vidal from Indra Digital Labs explored the relationship between data sovereignty and security, while Giovanni Comandé provided insights on the legal implications of emerging data technologies. Nicola Lattanzi from IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca concluded the panel with a reflection on how data policies can foster technological independence.

During the engaging three-day event, ESRS had the opportunity to participate in a productive and enlightening discussion. The conversation emphasized the crucial need to harmonize technological progress with the fundamental principles of sovereignty and security.


Contact details:

Veronica Virdis, LeADS Project Manager



LeADS Project Concludes Successful 3-Day Event at VUB Campus

Brussels, January 2024 – The LeADS Project (Legality Attentive Data Scientists) hosted a highly productive three-day meeting at the LeADS beneficiary Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), focusing on the intersection of law, data science, and technology. The event featured a diverse range of activities, from interactive playtesting sessions to intensive panel discussions and workshops.

The event opened with a playtesting session on discussion games developed by the Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) during the last quarter of 2023. These games aim to make the research findings of the LeADS project accessible to a broader audience beyond academics and practitioners. Four discussion games, each tied to a specific research crossroad, were tested for the first time with external participants, including VUB students and researchers.

Following the playtesting, ESRs presented their working papers during the conference on ‘Data Ethics and Governance: Unravelling the Complexities of Privacy, Fairness, and Access in the Digital Age’, sparking lively discussions with distinguished academics, such as Prof. Giovanni Comandé (SSSA), Dr. Laura Drechsler (KU Leuven), Dr. Katarzyna Poludniak (Jagiellonian University), Prof. Gabriele Lenzini (University of Luxembourg), or Prof. Gianclaudio Malgieri (Leiden University).

The final two days focused on the Technology Innovation in Law Laboratories (TILL) workshop, where ESRs worked on real-world cases provided by LeADS partners, including Indra and the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM). ESRs tackled cases ranging from competition law issues involving Apple and Google to cybersecurity challenges in election infrastructure. Each interdisciplinary team presented their solutions, receiving critical feedback from industry experts.

The LeADS meeting provided a valuable opportunity for ESRs to hone their problem-solving, collaboration, and presentation skills, while addressing some of the most pressing issues at the intersection of law and technology.


Contact details:

Veronica Virdis, LeADS Project Manager


Cutting-Edge Research Papers at the Intersection of Law and Technology

Pisa, Italy, July 2023. The culmination of months of dedicated interdisciplinary research conducted by the group of our 15 Early-Stage-Researchers (ESRs) has resulted in the publication of six cutting-edge working papers. For more than a year have our ESRs been working together in the Legality Attentive Data Scientist project (LeADS) that brings together aspiring researchers with diverse academic (law, economics, computer science) and cultural backgrounds. The objective: finding answers in a collaborative effort to pressing and emerging questions of today’s data economy and to effectively bridge the existing gaps between law and computer science.

By fostering collaboration between legal scholars and computer scientists, the project demonstrates that research conducted at the intersection of law and data science is a rich, complex and yet necessary task which ultimately yields innovative solutions to complex challenges. The melding of these disciplines allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the legal implications of rapidly advancing technologies. In their working papers, our scholars dived into and explored divers topics such as the definition and implementation of fairness in automated decisions, transparency and relevancy of consent policies, case studies on data access and re-use of vehicle data, or how technology might facilitate the creation of ‘data collaboratives’ where data can be shared in a privacy-friendly way.

The findings have already been presented to a wider scientific audience at prestigious conferences, such as the annual ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency 2023 (FAccT) which this year was held in Chicago. Furthermore, the ESRs will present their research at a conference organised by the LeADS consortium that will take place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in January 2024.


LeADS Organises TILL Workshop and Conference on Data Sciences & EU Regulations


Toulouse, France, December 2022 – On the 7th and 8th of December 2022, the Conference on Data Sciences and EU Regulations took place at IRIT – Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, one of the beneficiaries of the LeADS project.At the Conference, data scientists and legal scholars provided comprehensive insights on algorithmic bias, an analysis of the current EU Regulations, and considerations on the best practices for digital technology development. The conference continued with the LeADS Early-Stage Researchers poster session.

The conference aimed to incorporate multidisciplinarity which is the core of the LeADS Project. Focusing on topics that cross the barriers of law and data science such as exploring the notion of fairness and how algorithms can be a tool to avoid biases. This multidisciplinary angle is essential to find novel solutions to obstacles posed by law and technology.

Technology Innovation in Law Laboratories (TILL) Workshop

On the second day, Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) gathered at IRIT again for the Technology Innovation in Law Laboratories (TILL) workshop.

During this two-part workshop series, ESRs formed multidisciplinary groups to do hands-on exploration of practical cases provided by LeADS industry partners, going beyond conventional learning practices to deliver solutions through collaborative learning with the assistance of mentors. In the late afternoon, the ESR teams presented their findings in an interactive session and received questions and feedback from the LeADS members and other participants.

This event is the first part of a two-part series, the second TILL workshop will take place in December 2023.

Further information

Conference overview  | Blog post on the topic

Creating Bridges between Disciplines – Conference on Human Rights Attentive AI

Kraków, Poland, September 2022 – On the 21st September 2021 the LeADS consortium organised a conference on “Designing Human Rights Attentive AI – an Interdisciplinary Perspective” that took place at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. The conference was organised as part of the fifth training module of the LeADS project which aims at training 15 Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) as Legality Attentive Data Scientists that are capable of working within and across law and data science.

The conference strictly adhered to this interdisciplinary approach by bringing in the perspectives of both computer scientists and lawyers. Salvatore Ruggieri, a full Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa, elaborated on whether or not we can trust ‘fair-AI’. The legal perspective was brought in by Andrea Parziale and Agnieszka Jablonowska who talked about ethical and legal issues in accessing biobank data as well as privacy-attentive AI in consumer markets.

Finally, the conference did not only create bridges between law and computer science but also between academia and the business sector. Marco Antonio Sotelo from Indra, one of the partners of the LeADS project, brought in the perspective of a global technology and consulting company in his talk on “Explaining AI in Cyber Defence”. All perspectives together amplified the importance of a robust regulatory framework for the data economy is necessary. At the same time, however, it was agreed that this is a very difficult task with which regulators worldwide have been struggling. The conference, therefore, again showed the relevance of the LeADS project which with its interdisciplinary approach aims to contribute to finding innovative solutions to solve these difficulties.

Early-Stage Researchers Present their Cutting-Edge Research at the International Conference on AI


Crete, Greece, June 2022 – On the 19th of June 20212, the LeADS consortium organised a workshop on best practices for the development of intelligent and trustworthy algorithms and systems as part of the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI) that took place in Crete. The Workshop consisted of two parts:

The first part featured two panel discussions on “Data Ownership, Privacy and Empowerment” and “Trustworthy Data Processing Design”. Leading scholars in their field, such as Paul de Hert from Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Giovanni Comandé from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, discussed pressing questions in the data economy. Is a potential data ownership right compatible with the existing data protection law? Which legal, ethical, and technological framework is needed to ensure a more trustworthy data economy?

Second, the 15 Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) of the LeADS project presented their cutting-edge research during a session on “Best Practices for the Development of Intelligent and Trustworthy Algorithms and Systems” and  discussed their research with the participants of the AIAI conference. The workshop intervenes at a moment when the European Commission is proposing various pieces of legislation that should create a framework to reconcile diverging interests in data. Thus far, however, many questions have been left unanswered on how to find an appropriate regulatory framework. With its interdisciplinary approach, the LeADS project aims to find innovative solutions to these questions.


Further Information:


LeADS – New MSCA ITN Project to Train Researchers Competent in Law and Data Science


Pisa, January 2021 – LeADS, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks project launched in January 2021, will train 15 researchers competent in both law and data science. The project is funded under the European Commission’s H2020-MSCA-ITN programme.

The emergence of data science has raised a wide range of concerns regarding its compatibility with the law, creating the need for experts who combine a deep knowledge of both data science and legal matters. LeADS project will train early-stage researchers to become legality attentive data scientists (LeADS), the new interdisciplinary profession aiming to address the aforementioned need. These scientists will be experts in both data science and law, able to maintain innovative solutions within the realm of law and help expand the legal frontiers according to innovation needs. The project will create the theoretical framework and the practical implementation template of a common language for co-processing and joint-controlling basic notions for both data scientists and jurists.

LeADS consortium brings together 7 beneficiaries and 8 partners from across Europe and will run for 4 years (2021-2024). The project is coordinated by the International and Comparative Law Research Laboratory (LIDER-Lab) at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. The other beneficiaries are the following universities and research institutes: Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS) Research Group at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, The Interdiciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse at Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, the Civil Law Department and the Intellectual Property Law Institute at Jagiellonian University, the Department of Digital Systems at University of Piraeus, KDD-Lab at the Italian National Research Council (CNR).

The consortium also involves 8 non-academic partners that will support the practical, hands-on training part of the LeADS curriculum: The Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali), the Italian Competition Authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato), Intel Corporation, Indra, Innovation Acts Ltd (Innov-Acts), BYTE COMPUTER S.A., Tellu, MMI S.p.A.


Contact details:

Veronica Virdis, LeADS Project Manager
